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The Marketers Guide To Emoji: Here What You Should Know

The Marketers Guide To Emoji: Here What You Should Know

The Marketers Guide To Emoji: Here What You Should Know

The rise of the emoji was a big deal in 2016. They’re no longer just fun symbols to use in your own text chats and social media messages.

They’ve been embraced by business and personal users alike, adding a little extra flair to almost any scenario.

But it doesn’t stop there! In many stores, stalls and especially online, you’ll find plenty of merchandise representing the colourful graphics, from cushions to phone cases to storage tins!

In fact, you can see emojis almost anywhere you go – so surely that’s a sign they’re going nowhere yet.

So if emojis are here to stay, how can we use them to our advantage?

As a business, it’s possible to use emoji as part of your digital strategy or social media interaction. They’re fun and light-hearted way to reflect the way you feel about your brand and content – and the way you want your customers to feel too.

Here’s how to use them as a business!

Choose emoji that suit the tone of what you’re posting.

With hundreds of emoji to choose from, it’s easier than ever to find one that suits what you’re trying to say.

You could choose:

  • A smiley emoticon that matches the mood of your post – such as a smile crying tears of laughter, surprise or even a sad face.
  • A symbol of your meaning, for example, a heart or a thumbs up.
  • An object that matches the product you’re selling.
  • Sparkles or stars that grab attention.

And remember to keep up with the latest updates on your device to ensure you always have the latest emoji to choose from.

Remember – less is usually more.

While using emoji can be fun and also look great alongside your content, remember not to take it too far. A huge amount of emoji can distract and overwhelm the reader, taking the focus away from your intended content.

Make sure the emoji you’re using is suitable for all platforms to avoid misinterpretation.

Some emoji can look dramatically different on different platforms. For example, one emoji could look one way on an iPhone but like something else entirely on an Android device.

Doing a quick search on a site like will help you see how your chosen emoji looks on a variety of platforms, helping you determine whether it could be taken differently by different users.

Consider whether using emoji is appropriate for your audience.

Take a look at your demographic. Would they appreciate emoji?

  • A report by Emogi (The Emoji Report) showed that emoji are popular with all age groups – even the elderly!
  • Gender is another point that may come into play. The report showed that women use emoji more frequently than men.
  • Finally, consider the culture you’re marketing to. For instance, the USA and Japan both enjoy emoji. However, they are used in different ways. In the US, emojis are used more directly, while Japanese users are more likely to use them decoratively.

Providing you’re using emojis in a professional manner than your audience will appreciate, there’s nothing wrong with using some fun smileys, symbols or sparkles alongside your content.

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