When you’re considering the best ways to market your brand, it’s important to understand how your demographic is using different platforms.
For example, if you’re using the internet to develop an online campaign, you’ll need to work out how your audience is interacting with the web – and whether they even use it!
Today, let’s take a look at the stats you need to know when considering digital in India.
How is India’s population using the internet?
With an internet user base set to surpass 500 million in India by the end of 2016, it’s clear the internet is going nowhere.
Back in 2014, Rajan Anandan, MD from Google India predicted that India would soon have more internet users than the US. He was right – it happened!
What about the growing popularity of mobile usage?
At the beginning of 2016, India surpassed the 1 billion milestone of mobile phone subscribers. That is a huge number, and considering many of these users will be able to access the web via their phones, it’s more important than ever to ensure your content is mobile compatible.
How has digital media changed?
The vast growth of digital media over recent years has evolved the way we advertise and sell online. The e-commerce industry in India is only going to continue to grow and thrive!
Digital media in India gives businesses an incredibly wide audience to market to. As more and more people adopt online shopping, the value of the e-commerce market in India is set to surpass Rs. 2,11,005 crore by the end of 2016.
And as for social media?
Marketing on social media is essential in today’s digital landscape, so it’s important to research which platforms are popular, which aren’t, and who’s using them.
- As of May 2016, according to Statista, there are more Facebook users in India than anywhere else in the world at 195.16 million. Around 80 percent of these are said to be mobile users, showing the importance of responsive, mobile-focused content.
- There are around 23.2 million monthly active Twitter users in India, which has been a significant increase from previous years. In 2013, there were only 11.5 million. It seems Twitter is one to watch in India!
- As for the professional networking site LinkedIn, India has the second to most users (the USA being first), with 35 million users based in India out of the site’s worldwide 300 million.
- At the end of 2015, around 7% of India’s population were found to have Instagram.
While these are just a handful of statistics, they are a great starting point when considering which social media platform to use to market your brand in India.
Do you take statistics like these into account when marketing to an Indian audience? How do you use them to your advantage? Tell us in the comments section below!