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3 Ways You Can Measure Results From Your Digital Marketing Campaign

3 Ways You Can Measure Results From Your Digital Marketing Campaign

3 Ways You Can Measure Results From Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Digital marketing is huge and one needs to have a plan in order to measure the results from their campaigns efficiently and quickly. There are too many channels and tools that marketers have to struggle with in order to measure digital marketing campaigns, and that can overload and become a hassle. Here is a measurement plan and three ways to measure results from your digital marketing campaign.

Measurement Plan

A good measurement plan contains several steps that need to be followed accordingly:

  1. Map your marketing plan and try to find with which ways the campaign intends to locate the customer.
  2. Add metrics to that map for each channel and track the customer that will most likely be interested in the ad.
  3. Determine the effectiveness and practicality of each channel and use a structure of success signals over opportunities to calculate the success ratio.
  4. Measure the impact of the business by counting in the costs and the benefits.
  5. Review these steps and repeat if necessary to establish a strong structure for your measurements.

First Way: Action

The first way of looking at how the results for your digital marketing campaign would measure up is through the actions of a user’s response. An action is basically anything that a user does which results into a business outcome, or business benefit. For example, the number of clicks that lead to a purchase or a number of coupon downloads or the number of clicks to a specific advertisement are all valuable information for a marketer and help map out and give a bigger picture. However, a warning that this model might be complex and expensive for some marketers, so be sure that you are willing to spend more in order to get more.

Second method: Engagement

Another method is to look at the engagement by the consumers. One thing to note is that not all engagements are the same. For example, there could be a user who watches a video and then leaves a comment. However, another person might look at that video and share that video with some of their friends, and on and on. So although both people took the same number of steps to a specific action; one only leaving a comment after the video and the other sharing the video, they are still different. Since not all platforms are equal, it is important to see which people give the highest value to the advertisement. The higher the value, the more the customer is likely be attracted to the business and its campaigns.

Third method: Perception

Last but not least would be the perception method: measuring the amount of exposure and the impact that follows with the marketing advertisement. Often, the most popular method, perception uses methods such as surveys, social listening, even branded searches. Looking at the upper-funnel metrics, for example when the user interaction level increases 10%, it is a sign that the impact of the campaign is high and beneficial. This can also be applied vice versa.

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. – Winston Churchill

Let it be your website conversions or social media marketing, measuring results is important.

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