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10 Ways To Stay Creative And Think Outside The Box

10 Ways To Stay Creative And Think Outside The Box

10 Ways To Stay Creative And Think Outside The Box

If you’ve found yourself struggling to come with new ideas for your business, it may be that you simply need to get your creative juices flowing – and there are plenty of ways to do that!

Bring some new ideas to your business by channelling your creativity into your work. You may find yourself coming up with awesome new ideas that you’d never have imagined before!

If you’re finding it difficult to stay creative, here are just ten things you can try to kick start your creative thinking.

1. Step away from the internet for a moment.

If you’re just staring at your screen looking for inspiration and not finding any, it may be time for a break. Spend some time offline and seek out ideas elsewhere, such as in other media, in stores or in nature.

2. Keep a notebook with you at all times.

Keep a notebook with you or on your desk and be sure to note down any ideas you have before you forget them. Even if you don’t think they’re much, they’ll still be a great starting point to come back to.

3. Let yourself dream big.

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Let your wildest dreams come to mind – then figure out how to make them a reality.

4. Do what others are too afraid to do.

Do you have an idea that you know others won’t try because it’s a risk? Allow yourself to be the brave person who does it.

5. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes.

Rather than thinking from your own perspective, try and look at things from the customer’s point of view. Pretend you’re buying from your business – what would you want to see?

6. Be constructively critical.

Learn to think critically of your own work, in a constructive way. This can help you build on your existing ideas and create something new – and better.

7. Add someone else to your team.

Another way to gain a new perspective is by adding someone new to your teams, such as a new employee or business partner.

8. Bring something new to the table.

Adding a completely different product or service to your offerings will give you a whole new creative project to work on and boost your business in the process.

9. See what your competition is doing.

Take a look at what your competitors are up to – then challenge yourself to ‘one up’ them!

10. Make sure you give yourself some downtime.

Remember that the brain is less powerful when it’s overworked, so be sure to give yourself a break every once in a while to recharge. You’ll be able to return to work feeling refreshed and full of ideas.

Do you find it difficult to stay creative when working on your business? Or do new and creative ideas come naturally? If you have any tips for thinking outside the box and staying creative at work, share them for others to learn from in the comments section below!

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